En MundoDVD, mi foro de cine por excelencia, se han empeñado en sacarme más parecidos razonables a los que ya sacaron en otra ocasión y que podéis ver dando al enlace, y me gustaría saber si de verdad os parecen razonables o no. Yo en algunos discrepo, la verdad. En otros, me callo la boquita...
A ver, este soy yo:
Y según ellos, me parezco a personajes tan dispares como:
David Cross
1 comentario:
Dani, you surely can find some consistency between the looks of these people and your's. All men are balding one way or the other, all have some sort of beard and all wear glasses. That's it. The best I could say is that if I was casting you to play one of the people I would hire you to act as Captain Javier because his look has the most consistency with yours, but that's all. But then again, thinking... hmm... maybe Father Fortea would even be a better... naaah, just kidding. :-)
On a side note: I think Sera would agree with me that there simply is no comparison between your fabulous looks and these other gents.
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